Miami, Fl
Total Spent for 2012: $58.08 Total Saved for 2012: $132.85

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Walgreens 2/13 Spent $2.25 Saved $20

Hey everyone! Sorry I'm a little behind on postings, but this week I was doing my student internship at an Elementary school and have been verrryyy busy!

This weeks deal that I did was at Walgreens. Now again, I used previous RR's to pay for the items pictured. Therefore my out of pocket expense was very small. So again I'll say that if you guys want to start saving at Walgreens or CVS, use my transaction examples [previous blog post] to start earning Register Rewards. Here we go!

Ask me any questions below using the comment tool!

This is what I bought:

1 Lysol No-touch Soap Dispenser Regular Price $14.99
On sale $11.99 get $7 RR's back
Used $3/1 Coupon from 2/13 SS

1 Reach Toothbrush $2.99 get $2 RR
No coupons

1 Tuf Paper Towels $.49

3 Panty Hose $.69 

1 Orbit gum $.69

Total = 
$18.23 before coupons
$15.23 after coupons

Paid with $5, $4, $3, $1 RR

Total paid including tax $2.25

Got back $7 and $2 RR!

So while this wasn't a HUGE deal, I've really wanted to try the Lysol Soap Dispenser. It's usually $15 so this week's deal was the best price for it!

So in total I saved about $20 using coupons and shopping sales prices. $2 bucks for $20 of stuff is pretty good in my book!

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