Miami, Fl
Total Spent for 2012: $58.08 Total Saved for 2012: $132.85

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Perfect End to My Birthday Week

Hello my favorite people =]
I had an amazing week.

First of all, it was my birthday on Tuesday =] And I had a wonderful time with my husband. We pretty much celebrated my birthday all week, with a little gift everyday. Monday he gave me something I always appreciate, a gift card to Walgreens =]
You all know how I can multiply that gift card into so much more. Lol it's like making an investment. Well, I did just that. I made a small trip to Walgreens today and was able to use up some of my gift card and have no out of pocket expense. Basically, I was reminded of why procrastination sucks. I usually make my Walgreens trip on Sunday when all the deals are fresh and in stock. Well birthday week got me distracted and I didn't make it to the store until today, so I payed the price. My first and favorite Walgreens was wiped out of everything  I wanted. Go figure. So I went to my old favorite store where I had some trouble using my coupons before since I knew they always have great stock. Fortunately, I got a super friendly cashier and I didn't have many coupons anyways, just Register Rewards that were expiring. So it was simple. 

I had an awesome trip and got some great things but it really wasn't much. I've sort of hit that point where I feel like... I don't really need much more. I mean its like.. body wash sale? Already got a ton of that. Toothpaste? Check. Shampoo? Check. Makeup? Check.. Toilet paper and paper towels? Check. Jeez. I have everything. So I pretty much did two things: I splurged, and I got some things to donate and give away to family members. It's an awesome feeling to know I really don't need much more in my stockpile. But deals will come and I'll take advantage of them. However this week was slow so I just got what I could and fortunately have a lot of Register Rewards to use for the next couple of weeks =]

4 Caress Body Wash 4/$12 get $4 RR
- (4) .75/1 Caress 5/22 RedPlum
[This was my splurge. I can usually get body wash free, but I love this stuff! So for me, just above $1 a bottle is my stock up price!]

1 Scunci Hair ties $2 get $2 RR
No coupons
[This stuff is always free after RR. I have like 7 of these now]

1 Tone Body Wash $3.99 get $3 RR
No coupons
[Just got curious about if its any good. Smells good]

1 Pure Silk Shave Cream $1.99 get $1.50
No coupons
[Again, didn't even need this but I had rewards to burn]

8 Tuf Paper Towel Rolls .50 each with in Ad coupon

2 Single Roll toilet paper .50 each with in Ad coupon

2 Viva 6 Rolls $5.99 sale get $4 RR
- (2) $.50/1 
Viva coupon mailed from manufacturer when I complimented their product.
One isn't pictured because we gave it away already =]

I used $21 in Register Rewards and got $19.50 back. 

Total Spent:
But I had a gift card so... FREE

Total Saved:

And that's all..
I really just wanted the body wash. Lol. But we already have it set to donate 1 package of the Viva Rolls [6 Pack] and the toilet paper. I must admit, Viva is an expensive brand and it is my absolute favorite but I never imagined getting so stocked up on it that I would actually be giving it away. lol. The beauty of sharing.

I did a second transaction just because I wanted to donate a razor and I wanted to get the RR for myself. So I just bought 1 Proglide Razor $9.89 get $4 RR
I used 1 $4/1 from 5/1 P&G

Total Spent:
Payed with Gift Card = FREE!

Total Saved:

What I love is how the few things we're donating equal a value of a little over $20. That's about what I would have spent without my giftcards. So its like I was able to pay for donation items and get EVERYTHING else for free.

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