Miami, Fl
Total Spent for 2012: $58.08 Total Saved for 2012: $132.85

Sunday, August 7, 2011

School Supply Overload...

Hello guys =D
I had an interesting day today.. shopping the deals at Walgreens and Target. Target went really smooth. And an added bonus? The prescription I picked up today was about $7 less than it usually is! It was a nice surprise :D But since I had to pick up my medicine, I decided to pick up a few of the good deals. Now I definitely didn't save as much as I normally do but there were a few things I wanted that I have not seen a good enough deal on for months, so I finally just gave in and bought it lol. For example, we've been needing neosporin around the house for awhile but I personally haven't seen a good price on it for awhile now.. So I decided to get the first aid promotion at Target where you buy 3 participating items and get a first aid bag for free! Combined with a couple of coupons, I did decent.. 

Cashier Experience [Leticia!]: Super friendly! Not only did she push through the coupons that for some reason didn't originally go through, she kept getting excited when she saw how much money I was saving! At the end, she congratulated me on my savings and flashed a huge smile. Cashiers like that make my day :D


2 Lipton Onion Soup Mix $1.24 each [Regular Price]
- (2) $1/1 Internet printable no longer available
= $.24 each

4 Papermate Pens .50
- (2) $1/1 Target coupon no longer available
I figured if I bought $2 worth the coupons would scan at the full value but they only scanned for .50 so I ended up paying for the other packages :(
= $1.00 for all

2 Sharpie 2 ct $1
- (2) $1/1 Target coupon no longer available
= Free

4 Dove Deodorant $3.49 (2 Ultimate women's 2 Men's)   PROMO Buy 4 get $5 Giftcard
- (2) B1G1 From 7/31 RP
- (2) $1/1 Dove Ultimate Women's Target Coupon from 8/7 Target insert
= $4.98, get $5 Giftcard back

1 Bandaid 8 ct .97

6 Johnson and Johnson Red Cross First Aid Kit .97
- (3) $1.50/2 J&J Red Cross from 7/31 RP
= $.22 each

2 Neosporin $3.89
- (2) $1.50/2 Neosporin AND Band Aid from 7/31 SS

1 Band Aid $1.99

FREE First Aid Kit Value $4.89

= $16.62
[They overcharged me .50, for an extra pen package]

Used $5 giftcard
Got $5 giftcard back



Then I headed to Walgreens. Since I have about $40 RR built up, it gets really complicated to roll them from week to week. Especially since mine are low value RR such as $2, $3 and such. All I wanted to do on this trip was get some desired items and roll a couple of RR. I ended up spending a lot out of pocket but I gained $2 RR and I got lots of school supplies at an amazing price, so it was worth it.

Cashier: Not terrible, not fantastic. She definitely wasn't enthusiastic but she understood the coupons. We had a major problem because my store had marked more than one type of the Colgate 360 toothbrush and I grabbed the one they had marked, but it wasn't included in the sale. I didn't notice the problem until after I had paid so they had to refund me [Ill add my totals as including the refund, not the wrong value]. Then it was confusing to get the right toothbrushes because I thought they had refunded me Post-Coupon value, but he had refunded me Retail value, so they kept my coupons and I paid full price for the other toothbrushes. It was really confusing but at least they knew what they were doing.

Transaction 1:

2 Colgate 360 Toothbrush 2/$6 get $4 RR
- (2) $.75/1 Here

1 Crayola Crayon $1 get $1 RR

1 Aussie Styler $3 get $1 RR 
- (1) $1/1 from 8/7 RP

1 Listerine Smart Rinse $3 get $2 RR
- (1) $1/1 from 7/31 SS
Now this was funny.. Even though it is a mouth wash intended for kids, I figured my Father in law would use it since he is always requesting mouth wash... When I went to the store, all they had left was BUBBLE GUM Pink Barbie Mouthwash LOL! I was like.. I don't think he'll use it.

1 Puffs .99
1 Green Giant Veggies .69
1 Expo Marker .99
4 Wexford Pencil 10 ct .19

Used $7 RR
Got $8 RR back



Transaction 2:

2 Colgate Toothpaste 2/$6 get $4 RR
- (2) $.75/1 from 7/24 SS

1 Crayola Crayon $1 get $1 RR

1 Aussie Styler $3 get $1 RR 
- (1) $1/1 from 8/7 RP

1 Listerine Smart Rinse $3 get $2 RR
- (1) $1/1 from 7/31 SS

1 Puffs .99
1 Green Giant Veggies .69
1 Expo Marker .99
4 Penway Notebook .29
Wexford Binder .39

Used $9 RR
Got $8 RR



Transactions 3 &4

And I felt okay buying 4 boxes of the crayons at one store because by the time I got there in the late afternoon, they hadn't even been touched. So I barely made a dent in the supply of these crayons. There was probably 30 more boxes left.

1 Crayola Crayons $1 get $1 RR
Payed with change out of pocket



Total Spent Today:

Total Saved:

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