Miami, Fl
Total Spent for 2012: $58.08 Total Saved for 2012: $132.85

Friday, August 26, 2011

Coupon Controversy...

Good afternoon everybody!
I officially started school on Monday, so for the next few weeks, or however long it takes me to get settled, my blogging will probably really slow down. I still have to make a weekly trip to Walgreens, but I'm not really actively searching for deals right now. Not only do I go to school super full time, but I also have 60 hours of field work to do this semester, which is tough when you only have one day off every week :( . But I am very excited to work with a new bunch of kids at my local Elementary School! Wish me luck! lol

Now, the deal that I got this past Tuesday has been turned into this whole big controversy over what ethical couponing is. What happened is there was a Dove deal that was producing a $6 RR for buying three of the single bars (on sale for $.99 this week). Apparently, this was a glitch in the system and they were able to stop this deal by Wednesday morning. However, many of us couponers did not realize it was a glitch, including myself. I've been doing this a long time and there have been previous RR deals that seemed too good to be true but they were in fact legit! So I truly thought this deal was another one of those lucky opportunities, and I cashed in on it. So my opinion about the topic is this:

If Walgreens makes a mistake on a promotion, we don't need to feel guilty about it. If we go into the store thinking what we're doing is a TRUE RR deal, then there is no wrong in that. However, for those who KNEW the deal was a glitch and purposely went after it with the mentality of "Oh I hope they don't catch us! I hope they don't realize what I'm doing is wrong", well then you need to check your motives. I personally had no idea the deal was a glitch when I picked it up Tuesday afternoon at multiple stores. By the time I came home I saw all the controversy and for a second felt bad, but then realized I shouldn't. I was just cashing in on what I thought was a legitimate deal. I mean just a couple weeks ago there was a deal where you bought the trial sized degree and got a $4 RR, which with coupons, made it a $4 money maker (EVEN BIGGER THAN THE DOVE DEAL!) but there was not a single claim of it being a glitch or a mistake. Sometimes Walgreens truly does have special money making deals that are unadvertised, and we can't point the finger and blame each other for being unethical couponers if we had no idea the deal was not supposed to be running. So before we all bite each others heads off and look down upon each other, realize that ethical couponing really starts with our attitudes. Going into a store thinking about how we're gonna clear the shelves, use the wrong coupons, and pretty much deceive the store is not something to be proud of. But cashing in a deal that appears to be a legitimate money maker is smart couponing. Please keep this is mind before I share my spendings and totals, especially since I got so much of the Dove! If anybody knows me, they know I'm couponing for positive change in this world. I'm doing this to help my friends and family, to help those in need, and to be a positive example for those around me. I would never knowingly bend the rules and manipulate the system....

So as I said, the Dove deal is not printing anymore, so there is no use in trying it, even though I would obviously tell you not to since the deal was a glitch!!

Okay! Here we go! lol

Since the limit for the Dove (in-Ad) was three per person, [And I make sure to respect this!] I made sure to go to multiple stores. Fernando was with me so we were each able to do a transaction wherever we went. In all the stores I went to there was a generous stock. Even though the deal ended up being a glitch and a mistake of human error, I am glad to say something wonderful came of it. I have a ton of Dove to donate to my local shelters/food banks. A blessing sure came out of this whole mess!

Transaction 1:

3 Dove Bar Soap Singles .99

2 Crest 3d Toothpaste 2/$5 get $3 RR
- (2) $.75/1 from 7/31 P&G

1 Arizona Tea .50 [Hubby's favorite =D]

Used $7 RR
Got back $9 RR total.

$1.10 including .63 of tax!!

Saved: $15.46


Transaction 2:
The revlon deal is fabulous!

3 Dove Bar Soap Singles .99

4 Revlon Eye Liner 40% off $4.49
1 Revlon Mascara 40% off $4.79

Used $6 RR
Got $9 RR!

$6.53 including $1.81 tax!

Saved: $39.20

Transaction 3: [Different Store]

3 Dove Bar Soap Singles .99

1 Arizona Tea .50

Used $3 RR
Got $6 RR

$.72 including $.25 tax


Transaction 4-6 [Different Stores]

3 Dove Bar Soap Singles .99

1 Mini-Notebook .15

Used $3 RR
Get $6 RR

$.34 including .22 tax!



Then I went to Wal-Mart with my fingers crossed, hoping the Bengay would FINALLY be in stock, and it was!! Thank goodness that incredible coupon has such a long expiration date! I used the overage to get some printer paper since I always need it!

4 Bengay $4.23
- (4) $5/1 Printable no longer available

1 500 ct Copy Paper $2.97



So at the end of the day, I got some great deals, including the awesome cosmetics from Revlon! I think I'll go back tomorrow to get some more since the price is SOOO good!

Total Spent:

Total Savings:


So even though the Dove deal ended up being a glitch, I know I will make wonderful blessings come of the RR that I got from it! I'll be sure to find lots of great donation deals

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