Miami, Fl
Total Spent for 2012: $58.08 Total Saved for 2012: $132.85

Your Turn!

Hey guys. One thing I feel is missing from this blog is a place for you guys to share your thoughts with me... Whether it is to ask questions, share your concerns, or share deals that you found and took advantage of, I would love to hear it all. So please use this page as a place of communication... You can post any shopping trips you may have made as well. I really want to see if this blog is really helping people learn how to coupon shop. The only way to see it is if you speak your minds =]

Thanks for all of the support everyone! 

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Second article


Amanda Z. said...

Hey mammacita. So, I am really trying to get into this couponing thing. Im buying the paper and reading the blogs and what not. I just started last week but for some reason I am still majorly confused on what to do and how to start getting good deals. I guess there is just so much information out there that it all confuses me. Help???

Stephani Galindo said...

I know how you feel :(
I guess what helped me start was my aunt was already a pro and she was able to physically show me how to get the good deals but the problem is that they are EVERYWHERE so its hard to keep up. My main advice is to keep buying the papers and decide what store you want to focus your beginning efforts on. As for me, I started with stocking up on food at publix (which is where I still get my lowest savings because food is more specific and more expensive), and now Im hooked on Walgreens and Target. I barely shop the Publix deals anymore since we have a pantry full of food. Now Im at the point where I only have the shop the BEST Deals. Since you're starting you'll be starting with stocking up so you'll be paying way more out of pocket than I do.. But over time your costs will go wayyy down and soon enough you'll be paying tax only :)

If you want, message me on facebook and I can give you more specifics. If it helps, Ill try and keep the best deals posted on my blog, not just the deals I personally cash in on :)