Miami, Fl
Total Spent for 2012: $58.08 Total Saved for 2012: $132.85

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stephani's Saturday spotlight

Hey guys! I feel like its been ages since I last posted. But again, it was for good reason- Finals week! But now I am officially finished with my Spring semester and can get back to work on the blog and couponing. We're running low on stuff at home and I feel like I've been couponing so slowly lately. But I know this summer will get me moving again!

Here are a couple of life updates for you lol. I'll be heading to Tampa next weekend so that I can visit family for a few days, and I start a couple of online classes. Hopefully these classes will be simple and won't take up much of my time so I can focus on the blog again..
Sorry for my absence!! But I really hope you guys can get back into following the blog and spreading the word about it... So here are the details for this week!

Publix AD and Match Ups 4/25-5/4 CLICK HERE

Walgreens AD 5/1-5/7 CLICK HERE
Walgreens Match-Ups CLICK HERE


Target AD Preview CLICK HERE

So I already see some amazing deals this week!  Free Baby formula at CVS, Money making razors and free floss at Walgreens, plus the great grocery deals at Publix. With the coupons from this Sunday's paper, the Soleil Razors at Publix are moneymakers! Or at least free...

Be sure to buy at least 2 sunday papers this week! The coupons are fabulous.
I'll be making my shopping trip sometime this week since I have Register rewards expiring. But its also my husbands birthday week so I'm focusing on doing some really awesome things for him!

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