Hello again,
Since its spring break for me, I'll hopefully be out more and updating the blog more often. Here is a nice short trip to share with you guys. It was really easy to plan, and with amazing results! However, there was one thing that made my trip less successful. Fernando. Lol. If there's one bit of advice fellow couponers have given me that is true, that is that if you bring your spouse and/or kids along on your shopping trip, expect to spend more. Haha and today is a perfect example.
I had my trip all nice and planned out perfectly with an out of pocket expense of about $1 including tax. But when we hit the check out line, we decided to buy a bottle of water since it was so hot outside. Alright, I thought, thats not terrible. But then when the cashier was scanning my coupons, there was a problem. Bascally, at publix, if you have more coupons than items (And this is possible because you can use one manufacturer coupon and one store coupon on EACH item. So if you buy 4 things, you can technically use 8 coupons), then the register freaks out and requires a manager override. Since I was only one coupon over, I figured I'd just add a candy bar so she could just put the coupon through and we could get out of there. The line was long and the cashier wasn't super friendly. So I, assuming that my husband would understand the situation, told him to pick a candy bar. Now, you guys have to understand that as a couponer, a last minute filler item in my eyes is the cheapest possible thing within reach. I was thinking he'd choose a .50 candy bar or something. But no, he chose the $1.39 King size snicker bar. Hahaha! We had a good laugh about it later but I thought it was funny that his candy bar alone cost more than my groceries. So here is my shopping trip minus the water and candy so you guys can copy it and get your own great deals!
Now let me explain myself. We don't have a dog. So whats with the Dentastix? Well, this week they were priced at Buy 1 Get 1 Free, for $3. A coupon from the 1/30 RP was for $2/1 Dentastix product. So by buying two and using two coupons, I got $1 of overage that went towards paying for my other groceries! And we have plenty of people in our family who have puppies and would appreciate the free treats.
Bought 4 Pedigree Dentastix $3 B1G1 Free
- (4) $2/1 1/30 RP
=$2 Overage
2 Sundown Folic Acid Vitamins @ $3.79
- (2) $1/1 Sundown Vitamin 2/20 RP
- (1) $6/2 Publix Coupon in Green Flyer
= $.42 Overage
2 Sundown B6 Vitamins @ $3.59
- (2) $1/1 Sundown 2/20 RP
- (1) $6/2
=$ .82 Overage
6 Viva Paper Towels Big Roll @ 2/$3
- (6) $.85/1 Viva Roll 3/13 SS
= $3.90
This is a great price for paper towels alone, let alone the amazing Viva ones. These are my favorite paper towels by the way. So I pretty much planned the trip so that I got the paper towels close to free.
Total Cost before Tax:
Total Saved:
Thats a total of .11 Cents per roll!
We will donate the Vitamins and give the dog treats to family =]
I can definitely relate! Also, I'm jealous that it's hot over there, it's 50's and 60's here and I'm just waiting for summer!
I envy you! lol Its been in the 80's all month long. Probably the hottest Winter in a long time. But I really prefer the cold weather. I guess thats what happens when you live in Florida your whole life lol
I live in the Central Valley in California so it does get hot in the summer (above 100), but I've always despised winter lol, we should switch places! I'll gladly have warm weather all year-round....or that's what I say now lol
Oh wow. Yea I don't know how cold of weather I could stand. I've never even seen snow! lol but up here its just too hot too often. We're hoping to move to Georgia in a few years though so that will be nice. By the way I really love your blog
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