Jeez. I don't even know what to say. I have to take a few deep breathes so I don't get too mad or anything.
Have any of you guys seen the show Extreme Couponing yet?!?
UGH! Some of those people truly make me angry. Disgusted.
First of all, they do make some great points. A lot of people don't get to the stage of extreme couponing unless they truly hit rock bottom financially. It becomes a sort of salvation. And its a blessing. So more power to them for utilizing coupons to save money, and get out of debt.
But if there is anything I've learned about couponing, that is how easy it is to have MORE than you need. And then what? Should you just start stockpiling in excess? Or how about spreading that blessing around? Now I have to give some of them the benefit of the doubt. TV isn't necessarily reality, and maybe they do donate every now and then. But honestly, if donation were something that was important to them, they would have made more time to mention it. I'd love to hear about their stockpile room just for donations? But instead I hear about them needing enough soap to last for 3 years. Seriously?
Why does anyone need that much soap to last for so long?
Why not buy a year's supply for your family, and then donate the rest???? By the time you run out you definitely would have found another deal that got you some more to replenish what you've run out of.
Like with me, I've only been couponing for about 7 months, but we are beyond blessed! Fernando and I have enough stock of certain items to last us a few months to a year. But what do we do with this? Whenever we have an outrageous amount of something, we give it away. Whether its to family or friends or a shelter, we give it away. Then we keep what we need, enough for the two of us to last awhile. Months.
Then, as time passes, another deal comes out! I stock back up, and continue to give away the excess!
That's what I don't understand about these extreme couponers. Some of them speak with such pride and selfishness.
I personally think that many of them are too addicted. And addiction is the same no matter what it is of. Drugs, alcohol, couponing. Its still addiction. And addiction leads to consequences. Maybe its as much as losing your family because of the pain and inconvenience you have caused them. Or maybe its losing your sense of control. But you have to pay a price. And obviously some of these people have, and eventually will.
What stock of groceries is worth compromising your good nature? Is it really worth it to overstep your boundaries and disrespect your family all because of your selfish desires? Wouldn't it be so much more worth it if you can share your blessings with those in need? I just don't get it!
I mean think about it. Many couponers were at once in debt, struggling to pay their bills. Once they get back on top and start to have stockpiles that fill a room, why not help someone who is in the situation you once were? Perhaps a simple word of advice to show them have to save would suffice. But its really not that hard to give away some of you EXCESSIVE stockpile just because.
UGH! Sorry everyone if I'm being annoying. But I believe that too much of a good thing can really bring about troubles. This applies to anything. You don't overindulge at dinner time, because you know you're going to regret it later. So how is this any different? Save money, use coupons, build a stockpile, but do it in moderation people. Check your motives! Are you doing this to be a blessing to others, or is it just for yourself? Do you REALLY need 100 toothbrushes? Really? Your teeth can't possibly be that dirty. Just stock up a bit, and replenish it as the sales come out. Why be so greedy?
The way I see it is like this... Sure the extreme couponers are going to be set for quite awhile, and not have to buy groceries for a very long time. But you know what? That is the extent of their blessing if they choose to keep it to themselves.
But those who humbly sacrifice some of what they have for those in need will multiply their blessings, and inspire others to give as well!
So come on guys. Lets be selfless with our stock. Give to others, and someday they'll be experienced enough with couponing to give to someone else! Before you know it, a chain effect will take place and help bring our communities out of an economic pit. Lets coupon for CHANGE in this world. Not for ourselves.
1 comment:
haha wow i completely agree XD
i hope that those ppl do donate, doubt they donate ENOUGH, but i will try to remain optemistic.
if anything, i would see getting into extream donating for OTHER ppl, like being super involved with a shelter or organization or ministry, not for myself
... just silly and pointless
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